Why vLEI? (Verifiable Legal Entity Identifier)

Trustworthy and Cost Efficient

The vLEI addresses both cost and trust issues by leveraging the established Global LEI System to establish a global digital trust framework and adhering to the Zero Trust Architecture principle of “never trust, always verify”.

Authority Delegation

The vLEI enables more efficient management and operational effectiveness within organizations by allowing flexible internal workflow management, including the assignment or transfer of authority.


The vLEI system necessitates that each vLEI is backed by an underlying LEI thereby guaranteeing accurate authentication of the entity.

Credential Management

The vLEI provides control over the assignment and management of credentials by organizations to their representatives. This it enables report submissions, secure business transactions, signing business documents, and enhancing process efficiency within and outside the organization.

Unified Identification and Authentication

vLEI combines identification and verification for organizations and their representatives, facilitating both official and functional roles within the entity. SHORT

Backed by GLEIF

GLEIF is the developer of the only open, standardized and regulatory-endorsed legal entity identifier system, the LEI, and has a proven track record of delivering global, real-world solutions.
A illustration depicting that Nord vLEI is the first QVI in Europe.

Nord vLEI  is the first Qualified vLEI Issuer (QVI) in Europe

Nord vLEI is now accredited as an official Qualified vLEI Issuer (QVI) within the verifiable Legal Entity Identifier (vLEI) system. This allows Nord vLEI to issue verified digital credentials that authenticate the identities and roles of legal entities and their representatives. As a QVI, Nord vLEI offers complete management of your vLEI credentials' lifecycle.